Introducing our partners – Churches Estate Agents


Introducing Churches Estate Agents

Churches A NEw Way In Estate AGencyIrish Home Magazine are delighted to finally announce our new lead partners, recently launched Churches Estate Agents (

Churches are an exciting new presence in Ireland’s property market and are sure to become a major player in the next few years. We are delighted they are lending their knowledge and expertise to bring Irish Home readers an inside look at the Irish property market, with latest news, stories, properties and actionable guides to help the home owner or home buyer.

Who are Churches Estate Agents?

Churches Estate Agents has been launched by some of Dublin’s best and brightest agents who have come together to create what they are calling “A New Way In Estate Agency”.

The team have been formed from some experienced agents from all different backgrounds, including some of the world’s largest real estate groups, some of Ireland’s more traditional agencies and some newer approaches to residential property from international outfits.

Churches’ leading property experts will be exclusively sharing their knowledge with With over 70 years experience and their fingers on the pulse of the Irish property market, they will be providing world-class advice to their clients and our readers.

What does “A New Way In Estate Agency” mean?

Estate agency in Ireland has had a mixed reputation recently. From the antiquated rural one-man-band agent, to the get-rich-quick hustlers and up to the brand national chains – there has been plenty of blame loaded onto the agents for the last boom and bust, rightly or wrongly. More recently the vastly reduced industry has been caught under-staffed and behind the times in terms of customer service and innovation as the new recovery has taken hold.

Churches’ idea is a simple one. Good service, good advice, honest agents and value for money.

No Marketing Expenses

Some of the things they are doing differently include removing marketing expenses from their fees. It used to be that to market your property it needed some capital to buy advertising in the national press, create glossy brochures and involve some hard graft from the selling agent. Now in the day of online portals – such as or – being the dominant platform for property sales, there is no longer the need for expensive advertising. Yet many agents have stuck to traditional marketing expenses, sometimes running into €1,000s and often required upfront with no guarantee of a successful sale.

Churches writing for
Churches writing for

Churches have done away with marketing expenses altogether because in their view it’s dishonest to tell their clients they need to pay this money and it also saves the homeowner important funds that could go towards their move. Moving house is an expensive enough time as it is and avoiding any upfront expenses also helps households who have little to spare get out of properties that might be tying them down.

New, Innovative Marketing

Just because they aren’t charging for marketing, it doesn’t mean Churches Estate Agents are not taking marketing seriously. Quite the opposite in fact.

Churches are helping to pioneer brand new ways to market property to the right audience in effective and innovative ways. While your property is listed on the usual property portals – and – they also understand their own platform is important. Sales with Churches are also listed in a beautiful way on but in addition to that, Churches are providing plenty of news, articles, guides and resources on their website in order to increase visitor traffic and get their sales seen by more potential buyers.

In Ireland today, 90% of purchasers find their next home online…

In addition to their own website and property portals, Churches have taken the big step to partner with in order to have another platform for their properties to be found by the right buyers. And instead of just a typically listing of the property specification and photos, Churches’ agents and Irish Home’s writers are taking the time to show off their properties in more in-depth, editorial-style formats. This will increase engagement with potential buyers and be a different approach for their properties to be displayed.

Exclusive Advertising

Finally, Churches are not only the lead partner on but also will be the exclusive advertiser of properties in the forthcoming Irish Home Magazine, going into circulation in Spring 2015. The magazine will be distributed for FREE across Dublin and Leinster, available in public places and also mailed direct to subscribers and active Churches clients (Subscribe Here).

The Irish Home Magazine will be Ireland’s first free glossy homes and property magazine. Churches are using this platform in a whole new way to advertise their sales offline in the same innovative way they are doing things online.

The Irish Times circulation has dropped to just 76,000 readers…

Ireland's Homes & Property Magazine
Irish Home Magazine – Coming Spring 2015

The traditional approach of advertising your listings in The Irish Times for example is quickly becoming ineffective. The Times’ circulation has dropped to just 76,000 readers in 2014 (

If you were advertising your Dublin property and wanted to reach as many people as possible, you will have to cut out all those readers around the country who aren’t interested in Dublin. Then cut out those who don’t read the property section. Then those who skip the ads and just read the articles. You are suddenly down to a very small number for some of the most expensive column-inches in the country.

Instead, by being free the Irish Home Magazine will have a guaranteed circulation, a greater readership multiple (as there is more sharing of a free, publicly available magazine) and a more targeted audience – people actually in Dublin and actually interested in property.

Churches believe that by advertising in this unique publication they will be far more effective at marketing their properties. Not only that, they are not even charging their clients for the privileged to be in the magazine – it’s included in their standard service!

Churches won’t be charging for their marketing, it’s included in their standard service!

More About Churches Estate Agents

Churches Estate Agents now open in Blackrock

You will be seeing more from Churches on as they are committing to providing regular guides, news and insights on the property market in order to keep the Irish home owner informed and up to date on everything happening in Irish property. Their expert agents will be giving you tips, ideas and step-by-step guides to making your next move.

You can find their dedicated page at

Or head on over to where you can find their Knowledge Centre with more news and information, their Resources Centre with guides and market reports, and more information about their service.

Churches are now open in their new headquarters offices on Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock

From here they are servicing client all across Dublin but have a new South Dublin office opening in the next few weeks (keep your eyes peeled for an announcement here) and expect at least 2 more offices opening in 2015 as Churches plan to extend their unique and innovative service to home owners across Leinster.

If you are thinking about selling your property or want a consultation about your home, Churches provide FREE VALUATIONS and would be delighted to have a chat with you.

Go to or to arrange, or call them on 01 559 5000 today.