It’s the final full week before Christmas – which you would think would be quiet – but is actually one of the most frantic weeks of the year.
Sales that are supposed to be closing before Christmas are in full panic mode, as solicitors rush to get all the paperwork in and passed the various parties, banks and clients. It becomes very important to get sales closed this week so both parties know where they will be having their Christmas lunch – in the new house or still in their old one.
In this day and age, faxes should be banned.
Monday night I had a urgent late night three-way phone call between two sides’ solicitors to ensure the correct paperwork was faxed between them. After we established it wasn’t working (no paper, or ink, or something) we finally got the contract emailed across. In this day and age, faxes should be banned.
My deepest fear becomes getting an Out of Office reply from a solicitor saying they will be back on some date in January. Holidays should be banned for these people if they still have sales on the table.
PS. I will be out of the office from 24th December until the 6th January…
It’s actually also busy in the office with buyers this week. After a couple of dead-quiet weeks, suddenly the phones are ringing off the hook. We always say if a buyer is looking for a property over Christmas they are a properly serious buyer. They probably need to move urgently and at least want to get something sale agreed asap.
My article for Irish Home this week – Why Christmas is ACTUALLY a great time to sell your property – has been very well received (and actually
copied echoed by some other agents and the national press!). It’s true, Christmas and New Year are very busy times on the property portal and it’s a smart time to have your house on the market.
Typically though we are getting people ready to launch in the New Year. But rather than wait until Spring shows up, getting your property on the market in January will beat the competition and get ahead of the pack.
We’ve been handing out our new local newsletter this week – The Blackrock Bulletin.
It’s a new concept, instead of our usual flyer. We have a little 4-page booklet that keeps our friends and neighbours up to date on what’s happening in their local area.
That includes latest house price news for the Blackrock and Stillorgan areas – a list of the latest sales to close, as per the Property Price Register. Also some of our sales, an added bit of bonus advertising for our clients on a local level. Plus some articles about the market and local events happening this Christmas in the area.
Hopefully our community will find it interesting and it helps us keep people informed so they can make the right decisions with their property.
And know who to call if they need advice!
You know when you are under pressure when your work starts to show up in your dreams.
I had a vivid dream that one of my best clients told me they were not going to sell…
This morning I woke in a panic after a completely vivid dream that one of my best clients was telling me they had decided to stay put and not sell. It felt so real, I could see myself nodding my head and sympathising with them, all the while screaming inside “Nooooooo…“.
I woke not knowing if it was real or a dream, and took we a while to calm down. The bidding on their property is only a couple of thousand away from what they need and they have their next home sale agreed. We’re so close to agreeing the thing, it would truly be a nightmare for it to all fall through now…
Fingers crossed!
This week has flown by, it’s good to be busy. My sale that had us frantically running around on Monday should close today. Nice to be giving keys to people the week before Christmas and to see two families in new homes for the holidays.
The year’s not over yet, we still have a busy day of viewings tomorrow. My show-stopping penthouse in Monkstown is getting a lot of attention right up to the end of the year.
We also get a lot of expats back at this time of the year, looking for either investment or live-in properties to move back to while they are home for the holidays.
Once all our viewings are done we will be taking a well earned rest and enjoying the inaugural Churches Christmas Party.
Watch out Dublin 4! There will be a group of exhausted but content agents sipping a few drinks and reflecting on a great first year in business.